How to cancel a wealthsimple account?

If you are also struggling with how to cancel a wealthsimple account then just scroll down and find answers to every related to deleting a wealthsimple account.

What is wealthsimple?

A Canadian company offering online investment management is Wealthsimple Inc. Financial solutions are available from wealthsimple to aid investors in managing and growing their money.
On behalf of the investors, wealthsimple constructs a diverse portfolio of ETFs and offers advice on how to reach their financial objectives.

How to cancel a wealthsimple account?
How to cancel a wealthsimple account?

How to cancel a wealthsimple account?

Close a brokerage account
You can directly close an investing account through your Wealthsimple profile if you no longer require it.


  1. Activate the Wealthsimple app on your smartphone.
  2. Then at the bottom of the screen, click on the Settings tab.
  3. Accounts will appear in the menu.
    From the list of open accounts, pick the account you want to close.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click on close this account.
  5. This will open a confirmation box where you may indicate if you want to close your account.
How to cancel a wealthsimple account?
How to cancel a wealthsimple account?


  1. Log into your Managed Investment & Save profile at
  2. Then on the main portfolio page, scroll down and choose the account you want to close.
  3. After that to the upper right of Fund this account, click the three dots.
  4. Finally, click on Close Account and choose Shut down this account.
    And yes you’re done because your account is closed!!!

Note: Before closing an account, please look into the following

  • Any pending deposits should be cancelled
  • ￲Transfer your money to another Wealthsimple account or withdraw it to a linked bank account.
  • ￲Also, cancel any unfulfilled orders.￲
Vaishali is a professional WordPress writer. She loves learning new things and exploring different paths. She looks at the job as a game that requires smartness and hard work to win. She likes taking challenges on weekdays and watching web series with her favourite taco on weekends.

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