If you need to go a long distance with your dog, you can book a trip for both of you via flight. Here’s how to travel with a dog in flight and save time. According to statistics, flying is statistically safer than driving across the country.
I have a dog and I can’t live without him even for a day. So, I can relate to your emotions completely. Therefore, here’s how you can be with your dog even on a flight.
Taking Your Dog in the Cabin for Small Dogs
Information to airline
Your dog may travel with you in the cabin as your carry-on item if he is tiny enough to fit in a container under the seat in front of you. You must inform the airlines that you are bringing a pet. Also, the roundtrip pet cost is around $100. Because most planes only allow a few pets in the cabin, flight booking and preparations for travelling should be done well in advance.
The size of the dog’s carrier and how snugly the dog seems to fit inside it determines how many dogs can be carried.
Verify That Your Pet Carrier Complies With The Airline’s Standards for under-seat pet carriers by contacting the airline.
Give yourself plenty of time to check in with your pet on the day you travel. It may be necessary for you to first drive your pet to a designated cargo area, after which you must check in at the passenger terminal. Ensure that you have all the necessary documentation available and prepared.
READ ALL THE GUIDELINES CAREFULLY and get your dogs prepared accordingly.
The airline will have further guidelines on vaccinations, a veterinarian’s health certificate, and other papers for your dog.
DO NOT TRANQUILLIZE or MEDICATE YOUR DOG BEFORE AN AEROPLANE TRIP. Sedatives can alter a dog’s breathing and heart rate, which can disturb the balance of the animal. Additionally, most airlines won’t take a creature that has been purposefully sedated.
We hope you find these factoids helpful and wish you safe journey and travels with your animals!