Looking for social media detox or an instagram detox? Or is it just difficult for you to manage time for yourself because of social media? The only solution to this is just temporarily deactivating your social media handles and just recollect your life, if this suits you!
Here’s how to temporarily delete your Instagram account, you can follow these steps:
•So firstly, open Instagram on your mobile web browser and go to your profile page.

•Tap on the three lines in the top right corner and select “Settings” from the bottom of the menu.
•Scroll down and select “Account”.

•Tap on “Delete Your Account” and select “deactivate account” which temporarily disables your account.

•Choose a reason for disabling your account from the drop-down menu. Select the reason that best applies to you.

•Once you’ve selected a reason, Instagram will prompt you to re-enter your password for security purposes. Just enter your password and then tap on the “Temporarily Deactivate Account” button.

Instagram will confirm that your account has been temporarily disabled. Your profile, photos, comments, and likes will be hidden from other users until you reactivate your account by logging in again.
It’s important to note that you can only disable your Instagram account for a maximum of 30 days. After 30 days, your account will be automatically reactivated. And you will be able to log in again using your username and password.
If you decide to reactivate your account before the 30-day period is over, all you have to do is log in to your account. So, using your username and password, and your account will be restored to its previous state.
So that’s all about How to temporarily deactivate your Instagram account?