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How to hide media files in an Android?

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By Vaishali

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There can be several reasons why someone may want to hide their photos on an Android device.

•Privacy concerns •Security reasons •Keeping certain photos separate from the rest of your gallery •Preventing accidental deletion •To protect children from inappropriate content.

Built-in file manager


Any photos you want to  hide can be moved to a  new folder that you  create.  After that, give the folder a new name that begins with a period (.).

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line


a third-party app

The Google Play store offers a wide variety of apps that let you hide images and videos. Gallery Vault, Keep Safe and Private Picture Vault are a few of the well- known ones .

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a secure folder

This is a separate folder that is encrypted and requires a password to access. You can move any photos you want to hide into the Secure Folder and they will be hidden from your regular gallery app.