How to make the android phone faster?
Posted in Tech

How to make the android phone faster?

You will sometimes notice that your Android phone is running relatively slow. There could be many reasons that one needs to understand their phone quite…

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How to change my membership plan on Netflix?
Posted in Tech

How to change my membership plan on Netflix?

In the era of the OTT platform, Netflix has a big name and is listed on one of the most trendy platform among people with…

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How do you stop unwanted notifications on Android smartphones?
Posted in Tech

How to Stop Unwanted Notifications on Android Smartphones?

We always see notifications on our Android smartphones regarding various things or advertisements. But sometimes you do not want messages from multiple websites or even…

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How do I factory reset a Windows 7 Dell laptop?
Posted in Tech

How do I factory reset a Windows 7 Dell laptop?

There are various times that your laptop do not works properly and because of this reason you need findout various ways so that it can…

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Posted in Tech

How to activate auto SSL in GoDaddy?

The auto SSL is very important so that you can maintain the security of your connection as there are lotsof websites online and you need…

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